I am sure you probably see stir fry Bok Choy in lots of Chinese restaurants. It is a classic dish in Chinese cuisine which is a light and nutritious side dish.
The taste of stir fry Bok Choy is mild and crisp, crunchy and a little bit of grassy taste. It can be seasoned with different spices. Garlic, ginger, sugar, and salt are essential ingredients for stir fry Bok Choy. Garlic and ginger are actually a great combination for all Chinese dishes, and sugar helps balance the bitter taste of this dish. You can also add a little bit of soy sauce, being careful not to overpower the stir fry, but to accent the taste of the Bok Choy.

How to Clean Bok Choy Choy
There are many ways you can clean Bok Choy, and any of them will do the job nicely.
But the best way to clean it is to cut about 2-3 inches off the ends and wash each stalk and leaf individually, using cold water to keep the leaves from wilting. The dirt usually collects at the bottom of the stalks, so cutting the ends off makes them more accessible and easier to clean.
If you don’t want to cut the ends off, you can tear the stalks off, keeping in mind you will have to cut the stalk eventually when you reach the mini bulb inside.
After it has been cut, you can soak it in a bowl of water for approximately 10 minutes so that the dirt settles to the bottom of the bowl. Remove it from the bowl and place it in a strainer, shaking it to remove any excess moisture. Do not pour it into the strainer as the dirt will get mixed back in with the cabbage. Dry it with a paper towel.
If you prefer to keep the Bok Choy intact, open the stalks so water gets in and rinses any dirt away. Or for easier access, you can cut it in half and swish it in water multiple times.
There are 2 kinds of Bok Choy, regular and Shanghai Bok Choy, Shanghai Bok Choy’s leaf looks like the shape of an egg, and it tastes milder than the regular Bok Choy. I am using Shanghai Bok Choy (上海青) in this recipe.
Stir Fry Bok Choy
- 2 tablespoon canola oil
- 1 pound Bok Choy
- 6 cloves of garlic
- 1 slice ginger
- 2 teaspoon sugar
- ½ cup water
- 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
- toasted sesame seeds for garnish optional
- salt and pepper to taste
- Heat a nonstick wok over high heat for 2 min.
- Add 2 tablespoons of canola oil, add garlic and ginger cook until fragrant. Then arrange the Bok Choy cut side down on the hot wok surface. Sear for 1-2 minutes, or until the cut surface is quite brown and tender.
- Sprinkle the sugar over the stir fry.
- Add the water, cover and reduce the heat to low until the sauce beings to thicken. Cook for 2 minutes.
- Remove the cover and add oyster sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to a plate.
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